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Supervised Aquatic Exercise with Sherry

Reserved time for individual, independent exercise in the pool with supervision and/or minimal assistance provided by staff.
May 16 @ 10:00 am

Water Volleyball

Enjoy all the fun of regular volleyball but without the high impact of playing on land!
May 16 @ 1:00 pm
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Aqua Yoga

Aqua Yoga is a low impact class that practices yoga poses in the pool. This class improves flexibility using the pool’s buoyancy to move through a pain free range of motion. This practice also aids in arthritis and inflammation by soothing the central nervous system and relieving stress.
May 17 @ 2:45 pm

Aquatic Fitness

Moderate-intensity aquatic class that focuses on increasing endurance, strength, and range of motion; also includes core and balance work.
May 20 @ 10:00 am
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Aqua Yoga

Aqua Yoga is a low impact class that practices yoga poses in the pool. This class improves flexibility using the pool’s buoyancy to move through a pain free range of motion. This practice also aids in arthritis and inflammation by soothing the central nervous system and relieving stress.
May 20 @ 2:45 pm
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Supervised Aquatic Exercise with Sherry

Reserved time for individual, independent exercise in the pool with supervision and/or minimal assistance provided by staff.
May 21 @ 10:00 am

Aquatic Fitness

Moderate-intensity aquatic class that focuses on increasing endurance, strength, and range of motion; also includes core and balance work.
May 22 @ 10:00 am
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Supervised Aquatic Exercise with Sherry

Reserved time for individual, independent exercise in the pool with supervision and/or minimal assistance provided by staff.
May 23 @ 10:00 am

Water Volleyball

Enjoy all the fun of regular volleyball but without the high impact of playing on land!
May 23 @ 1:00 pm
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Aqua Yoga

Aqua Yoga is a low impact class that practices yoga poses in the pool. This class improves flexibility using the pool’s buoyancy to move through a pain free range of motion. This practice also aids in arthritis and inflammation by soothing the central nervous system and relieving stress.
May 24 @ 2:45 pm