Bishop Gadsden has been producing the Gadsden GAB since 1987 - and the August 2023 issue is our 400th edition. As we celebrate such a fun and remarkable milestone, the GAB Committee thought it would be interesting to feature articles over the past 36 years. This special edition included stories from each decade and offered us a glimpse into what special milestones our Community celebrated along the way. These articles are from the first published GAB, offering insight into residents' thoughts on moving to Bishop Gadsden. Please enjoy reading these special articles that give a glimpse of our Community's history.

November 1987: A Pioneer Spirit
History is in the making. As each of us (Residents and staff) move in we anticipate a future. There is an air of expectancy as we approach the “becoming”, the “birth” of our new home; a community. Bishop Gadsden is lovely, impressive, looking more like an antebellum mansion than a retirement community. However, without people it is nothing. Should we be considered pioneers or explorers? Whichever, each connotes great adventure. All of us are beginning an exciting journey together. The task - to create an environment that will enhance and enrich our lives. The goal - contentment, security and a joy in and with our home.
November 1987: A Sense of Community
In 1952, Judge Learned Hand spoke of community in this way; “A community is already in the process of formation when each person begins to view his or her neighbor as a possible friend; where nonconformity with the predominant creed - political as well as religious - is a mark of diversity and commands respect; where myth or unfounded rumor is quickly dissolved; where faith in the ultimate supremacy of reason is unshakable and where there is a deep commitment to the active affirmative of human connectedness.”
A future resident of a Baltimore retirement community defined his anticipation this way; “Together one day, we will be joining in this unique and eminently appropriate lifestyle which we have chosen as our answer to aging.”
What are your thoughts and dreams concerning community and life at Bishop Gadsden?