For many Bishop Gadsden residents, the popular place called “The Pub”, donated by Theodore T. Mappus, Jr. in memory of Dorothy R. (Polly) Mappus, is an important part of their daily life and routine. It is the place where they come in the afternoon to visit with their friends over a cocktail and converse about their day or whatever is going on in their lives. It is also where they bring their guests and outside friends to meet their new BG friends.
Many BG residents likely remember the 1980s delightful sitcom “Cheers” that took place in Boston. The music theme was very “catchy” and everyone always recognized the music when it came on the air. Some of the words:

“Sometimes you wanna go,
Where everybody knows your name,
And, they’re always glad you came…”
The familiar theme song quickly comes to mind when one thinks of BG’s Polly’s Pub. Everyone LOVES the Pub with its welcoming, warm atmosphere enhanced by the lovely chestnut paneling, comfortable seating, and the cheery, warm fireplace. Folks describe it as the place where they go to meet people, to socialize, and to really learn what is happening around the BG community. It is also the place diners come to meet up with their friends before having dinner in the café or in Winningham Court. And, it is the place where, when big events take place, one is able to join friends and watch happenings on the large screen.
Suz, stationed behind the bar, further contributes to the Pub’s friendly and special atmosphere. Suz always remembers what folks like to drink, and she also knows how to make most anything – alcoholic or non-alcoholic. She is a true professional with over 45 years experience in the hospitality industry. She remains unflappable even during the busy times when several people are talking and making requests of her all at once. Supporting Suz is the very friendly Jeff, who shares his summer months with us.
The Pub is kept well stocked by Tyler Pierson, Service Manager for Culinary Services, who has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the food and wine business. Tyler began learning about the food business at a young age, working as a cook before going on to College of Charleston and graduating with a degree in Hospitality, Tourism, and Management, plus Business Administration. Tyler, Suz, and Jeff all met and worked together at the Daniel Island Club and that’s the reason why the three of them work so well and comfortably with each other. It was at the Daniel Island Club that Tyler honed his knowledge of wines, and this explains why the Pub is always stocked with such nice wines.Since one of his weekly tasks involves taking inventory of the Pub beverages, Tyler makes certain that a resident’s favorite wine or spirit is always available.
Many of us take the lovely current Pub space as a given. However, the Pub was originally located in the space presently occupied by the Winningham Wine Room. When the space became too crowded and small, BG’s leadership came to the rescue. Construction of the Pub’s present location, which required acquisition of an apartment, also included establishment of the Mettler Guest Suite. Later, when more space was needed, an outside porch – called “Chet’s Porch” - was enclosed to provide additional seating for the Pub. BG residents fully enjoy this third version of the Pub, especially when Gary, Nathan, and other talented musicians serenade us with live music.
The Pub serves many other purposes in addition to the nightly gathering space for residents to meet up with their friends: the space is used to show Sunday evening movies; Curtis Wise holds his weekly computer class there every Friday; and the Opera Club meets there every third Saturday of the month. These are only a few of the regularly scheduled events that take place in the Pub; many informal meetings are also held there on an ad hoc basis.
Clearly, the Pub is an important part of life at Bishop Gadsden. It is a space enjoyed by many, and some would say, by all residents in some way. It is Bishop Gadsden’s very own version of “Cheers.” So BGers, why not come along…
“Be glad there’s one place in the world
Where everyone knows your name,
And, they’re always glad you came.”
You wanna go where people know
People are all the same
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.”

Written by resident Lynn Conley